Google algorithm update? What next…

Keep calm and Keep optimising. Tips for responding to Google algorithm updates with a little help from Search Engine Land’s Ryan Shelley.

Guest Writer

My Five #203

Among other things in this week’s My Five; thumb art, thumb quizzes and a $21,000 first class aeroplane seat.

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My Five #191

Obama snaps, a top-floor scandal, fake masterpieces, the Spice Girls, (with a comeback?!) and trolling on Twitter – it is My Five time!

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capturing seasonal opportunities - feature image - browser media

2016 Summer of Sport

Capturing Seasonal Opportunities Pt II – Google’s HoA series Elevenses takes advantage of the large sporting events happening this summer

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Understanding the importance of dynamic remarketing

The Hangout on Air series “Elevenses” covers an understanding of dynamic remarketing as we ask about it’s importance and how it can be utilised towards you marketing goals.

Guest Writer

My Five #180

Featured in My Five this week; Penguin 4.0, Tom Daley’s trunks, Homeless Jesus and other feel good stories from the internet this week.

Guest Writer