A little look at some of the Google updates of 2017, what they might mean for your website, and how this could impact 2018 and beyond.
Author: Lisa Haynes
My Five #247
Why did the chicken cross the road? Why did a cat sprint a baseball field? What is Facebook doing to our brains? All this and more in this week’s My Five.
7 tips to improve copywriting skills
Content is king – check out these tips and make sure your copywriting will help drive results. Thoughts at the ready, keyboards steady, go!
The pros and cons of creating niche content
Is your bread and butter content turning stale? Maybe you should consider creating content outside of your niche.
What is Semantics and how does it affect SEO?
Crafting content with semantics in mind is integral to SEO strategy success. If you’re not already writing your copy like this, now is the time to start!
My Five #238
This week’s My Five features social media challenges, GIFs, and four-legged friends. Happy Friday!
Will marketing with morals cause a social media backlash?
Brands need to tread very carefully when marketing with morals as missing the mark is likely to do more harm than good.
A beginner’s guide to Google Analytics terminology
Can you differentiate between sessions, users, and pageviews? Bounce rate vs Exit rate? Check out this beginner’s guide to Google Analytics terminology to help you out.
How to run social media competitions
Social media competitions can encourage more visits to your website, more sign-ups, and more sales. Try your luck with these 7 top tips.
7 SEO basics every copywriter needs to know about
Copywriting efforts will be wasted if nobody can actually find your pages. Check out these 7 SEO considerations to make your content stand out.
My Five #228
Taking hats off to the pope, being brutally honest, confessing guilty pleasures, and a generous helping of Oxford commas. It’s time for this week’s My Five.
Tried and tested online PR tools
Need a hand distributing content or finding media opportunities? Check out these tried and tested PR tools for businesses of all sizes and sectors.