A quick list of Google tools and services to help you win the Search Engine Marketing game.
Author: Victoria Spall
Google Confirms Buy Button and TrueView For Shopping
What will Google’s New BUY Button in PLAs and the new YouTube TrueView ads mean for organic Click Through Rate and the future of instream videos?
My Five #132
Explaining a Cheeky Nandos, the sad demise of one of the best time-wasting websites ever, and the inappropriate use of Google map maker. It’s all in this week’s My Five!
How to Pass the Google Mobile Test
A handy checklist for understanding what it means to be ‘Mobile Friendly’ in the wake of Google’s Mobile Algorithm change.
How to exclude referral spam from Google Analytics
You may have been noticing an increase in referral traffic from ‘spam’ sites. Here’s how to reduce the impact they have on your data.
My Five #125
The departures of a celebrity man-child and a celebrity child-man, a dead King still managing to be a diva, and a Meerkat. It’s all in this week’s My Five.
Do Spammy SEO Tactics Still Work?
The effectiveness of spammy SEO tactics has been dwindling for years, so why are they still being used, and why are they sometimes still working?
Better Together – AdWords and Google Analytics
Better Together: Combine AdWords with Google Analytics for better Insights, bidding and results. Shedding light on non-converting traffic.
My Five #117
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the crazy world of rock n’ roll – it’s all in this week’s My Five.
Why your brand should be using Polyvore
Polyvore and why your Fashion, Beauty or Home-decor brand should be using it. It’s FREE, it’s versatile – and there’s more information here!
Christmas: How B2C can maximise PPC ROI by preparing now
Christmas is less than a month away! It’s time to take a fresh look at your PPC strategy to maximise ROI throughout the rest of December.
My Five #108
Bill Cosby and Dapper Laughs get destroyed by social media, free beer, comet landings and shiny things. What has caught Vic’s eye this week?