If your business is using Google Ads for remarketing to customers in the EEA/UK, you need to update to Google Consent Mode v2. Here’s why.
Filling the third party cookie gap
Third party cookies are in the process of being phased out, so what can marketers do now to plug the gap?
Google delays plans to phase out third-party cookies
AdTech platforms and publishers have welcomed the news, as they now have additional time to get to grips with the new technologies being developed to fill the void.
Is this the end of targeted digital advertising?
Does the death of 3rd party cookies spell the death of online advertising as we know it?
The end of third party tracking cookies
As of 4 February 2020, Chrome users will be given more control over third-party cookies, allowing them to opt out more easily. Find out what this means for advertisers.
UK’s 10 largest retailers showing no obvious preparation for the EU cookie directive
May the 26th is coming! The EU cookie directive is near… What are the UK’s top 10 ecommerce sites doing about it?
EU cookie law is a bad thing, say 82% of digital marketers
The new EU cookie law is due to roll out on May 26. What does it mean for website owners?