Google buys DoubleClick

Google buys DoubleClick and gains power over almost 80% of online ads served on the internet.

Joe Friedlein

Google checks out the UK

Google Checkout is launched in the UK. What is in store for the search giant’s payment processing service and what benefits does it offer Adwords customers?

Joe Friedlein

The Movers and Shakers of UK online marketing

Who are the real movers and shakers in online marketing? Are we all techy geeks or is there more to reveal from the UK digital marketing community?

Joe Friedlein


An interesting look at the future for PR agencies and how they must adapt to the changing face of media.

Joe Friedlein

Google tests new online ad system

Google announces new pay per action ad model. Is this a signal of a move towards affiliate marketing?

Joe Friedlein

Brand search terms

Are brand search terms the real key to search engine marketing success or should you focus your SEO / PPC on non branded keywords?

Joe Friedlein

Duplicate content penalties

Is duplicate content really an issue for websites? Will search engines penalise sites with duplicate content?

Joe Friedlein