Brand search terms

Are brand search terms the real key to search engine marketing success or should you focus your SEO / PPC on non branded keywords?

Joe Friedlein

Duplicate content penalties

Is duplicate content really an issue for websites? Will search engines penalise sites with duplicate content?

Joe Friedlein

Organic v. Paid Search

An interesting review of the balance between organic and paid search. What balance should you strike?

Joe Friedlein

Search Engine Statistics

A review of the latest search engine statistics showing Google’s continued dominance.

Joe Friedlein

Quality score platforms have higher click through rates

An interesting study into how a quality score ppc platform can have positive effects on the user experience and thererefore the click through rates. How initial results from Yahoo!’s Panama platform demonstrate this effect.

Joe Friedlein

How do people actually use search engines?

An interesting report in how people actually use search engines. What do they look at and what do they click on? Is there a different between information seekers and those ready to buy?

Joe Friedlein

Google Adwords Quality Score Revealed

Google announces that it will show quality scores against keywords in AdWords campaigns – what are the objectives of the quality score?

Joe Friedlein

Does Bid Management Software Work?

Nope. Well, we believe that effective PPC management today comes from real insight and that it will always outperform automated software.

Joe Friedlein

Google marches on

Google has announced its earnings for Q4 2006 and demonstrates that it is still growing at a rapid rate. Revenues of $3.21 billion for the quarter ended December 31st 2006 […]

Joe Friedlein