At Browser Media, we are a little obsessed with web analytics. Without a clear understanding of what is happening with the traffic on your website, it is very hard to know what to do next.
We are also interested in how mobile phone technology interacts with the online world. We do have some reservations about just how ‘big’ mobile is going to be (see future of mobile search) and feel that it is often over-hyped, but every now and then we come across an application that is very convincing.
There is an interesting article looking at 3 such applications over at Search Engine Land, which is worth a look if you are an iphone user and want to get access to your web stats on the go.
We haven’t tested any of the applications (I am a Nokia E71 man…) but they look interesting and the following screen shots (courtesy of Search Engine Land) suggests that the application has been well designed:
Whilst we would question whether a mobile phone is really the most appropriate hardware to examine your website traffic stats, there are times when you want to quickly check what is happening on your site so we can see that this would be a useful tool to have to hand (quite literally) for such moments.