What is FinTech?
FinTech, or financial technology, is the term used to describe any form of tech that aims to improve the delivery of financial services and solutions. These solutions vary massively from mobile devices and apps that help connect customers with their finances, to cryptocurrency and business-to-business technology.
The concept of financial technology is nothing new, however, the term ‘FinTech’ was relatively unused until recent times. Businesses within the financial industry have always been looking for new ways to improve the services they provide and technology is more often than not the best way to do this. So although the concept has been around for years, the term ‘FinTech’ has only gained popularity in the past few years.
What is BuzzSumo?
Buzzsumo is a content research tool which identifies the most engaging pieces of content and key influencers for specific topics, industries, and domains. The platform has various tools such as its Content Analyzer, Facebook Analyzer, and Influencer Reports. For a detailed breakdown of all of the tools available check out our BuzzSumo guide, but for this research, we are just going to focus on the Influencer Reports.
BuzzSumo influencer reports explained
Using BuzzSumo’s influencer tool you can pull together a list of the top influencers for a specific topic, niche, or domain. This list includes all individuals and companies within the specific industry that you have searched for, ranked by the ‘influence’ they have over that industry. From here you have the ability to filter this list to ensure that all of the data is relevant for your needs. Influencers can be filtered by type (company, journalist, blogger, etc.), location, activity level, and more.
BuzzSumo measures influence using a number of different factors including the content an individual shares, engagement, and how relevant the content is to that topic. By combining all of these factors BuzzSumo ranks the influencers based on how likely they are to impact (influence) the reach of a piece of content.
If you want more information on the influencer tool, we took a more in-depth look at how BuzzSumo’s influencer reports in our previous ‘Top 100 Influencers’ post.
Key findings
Whilst carrying out this research, there were a few key statistics about the top 100 FinTech influencers that surprised me. Here are the top three takeaways when analysing BuzzSumo’s top 100 FinTech influencers:
Follower count
Firstly, the average number of followers of all 100 influencers is just over 16,000. While this is still a relatively large following it’s nothing in comparison to some of the biggest influencers and celebrities on social media. The majority (85%) of influencers who appear in the top 100 list have fewer than 30,000 followers. This further solidifies the idea that BuzzSumo’s influencer reports don’t just look at follow count but also consider engagement and the actual influence an individual has over their audience when compiling their reports.
The second standout statistic is the fact that 44% reply to anywhere between 21% and 40%, and 13% of the influencers have a reply ratio over 50%. This indicates that these influencers are engaging with their audience and joining in with the global FinTech conversation on Twitter. When brands are looking for influencers to work with, knowing that they have a close connection with their followers and are interacting with them regularly should be key.
Retweet ratio
The final surprising statistic from this research came when looking into the retweet ratio – this is the number of posts on an individual’s feed that are retweets. Basically, how often they share and retweet other people’s content. 29 out of the top 100 have a retweet ratio higher than 40%, and only 16 have a retweet ratio lower than 10%. As is the case with the previous point, this further highlights the importance of engaging with your audience in order to establish yourself as an influencer. Again this is something that brands should consider when deciding on whether to embark on an influencer marketing campaign or not.
Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the top 100 FinTech influencers according to BuzzSumo:
- Simon Taylor – @sytaylor
- Brett King – @brettking
- Alex Jiménez – @ralexjimenez
- Pascal Bouvier – @pascalbouvier
- Scarlett Sieber – @scarlettsieber
- JP Nicols – @jpnicols
- Faisal Khan – @babushka99
- David M. Brear – @davidbrear
- Devie Mohan – @devie_mohan
- James Wester – @jameswester
- Sebastien Meunier – @sbmeunier
- Fernando Egido Egaña – @fegido
- Florian Graillot – @fgraillot
- Theo Lau – @psb_dc
- Nick Hungerford – @nickhungerford
- Jill Castilla – @jillcastilla
- Bryan Clagett – @clagett
- David Gerbino – @dmgerbino
- Matteo Rizzi – @matteorizzi
- Haseeb Awan – @haseeb
- Ron Shevlin – @rshevlin
- David J. Maireles – @davidjmaireles
- Liz Lumley – @lizlum
- Lisa Kuhn Phillips – @lisakuhnphilips
- Jim Bruene – @netbanker
- Spiros Margaris – @spirosmargaris
- Amit Goel – @amittwitr
- Ian Kar – @iankar_
- Rob Findlay – @robfindlay
- Stessa Cohen – @stessacohen
- Matt Dooley – @mattldooley
- Jochen Siegert – @jochensiegert
- Marc Lussy – @marclussy
- Patricia Hines – @pjhines
- André M. Bajorat – @ambajorat
- Danielle Guzman – @guzmand
- Kristo Käärmann – @kaarmann
- April Rudin – @therudingroup
- Anna Irrera – @annairrera
- Nigel Walsh – @nigelwalsh
- Bradley Leimer – @leimer
- Tom Blomfield – @t_blom
- Horst Wilmes – @horstwilmes
- James Lloyd – @jamesplloyd
- Aaron Pressman – @ampressman
- Maria Aspan – @mariaaspan
- Yoni Assia – @yoniassia
- Dave Birch – @dgwbirch
- Omar Khan – @66owls
- Gabriela V. Orille – @gabrielaorille
- Tim Swanson – @ofnumbers
- Rob Moffat – @robmoff
- Jay Palter – @jaypalter
- Neira Jones – @neirajones
- Darrell MacMullin – @dmacmullin
- Duena Blomstrom – @duenablomstrom
- Per Lind – @pclind1
- Yann Ranchere – @tek_fin
- Paul Mears – @paulmearsuk
- Ross Gerber – @gerberkawasaki
- Delphine Cuny – @delphinecuny
- Georgia Hanias – @georgiahanias
- Mike Tinmouth – @michaeltinmouth
- Jessica Ellerm – @jessicaellerm
- Katelin Cwieka – @banksmartkate
- Efi Pylarinou – @efipm
- Chris Doerfler – @cmdoerfler
- David Galbraith – @daveg
- Zack Miller – @newrulesinvest
- Sam Maule – @sammaule
- Maik Klotz – @klotzbrocken
- Rino Borini – @rinoborini
- Ian Renwood – @irenwood
- Matteo Gamba – @sliver86
- Olivier Goy – @oliviergoy
- Tobias Baumgarten – @aboutfintech
- Damir Bogdan – @damir_bogdan
- Dorota Zimnoch – @d_zimnoch
- Phil Allen – @philballen
- Jeff Tijssen – @jefftijssen
- Sven Korschinowski – @korschinowskisv
- Matthieu Soulé – @matthieusoule
- Silvan Schumacher – @silvanfox
- Helene Li – @helene_wpli
- Cédric Teissier – @echotraffic
- Kristian Feldborg – @k_feldborg
- CarrieAnne Cormier – @banksmartcarrie
- Derin Cag – @derincag
- Monica Jasuja – @jasuja
- Marc P. Bernegger – @marcpbernegger
- Sebastiaan Roest-Ellis – @sebfintech
- Tiffany Hayden – @haydentiff
- Dan Latimore – @danlatimore
- Curtis S. Chin – @curtisschin
- Mary Wisniewski – @marymwisniewski
- Mohammad Farooq – @mohammadfarooq_
- Jacob Jegher – @jjegher
- Gary Turner – @garyturner
- Brad van Leeuwen – @bradvanl
- Richard Gluyas – @gluyasr
Once again, congratulations to everyone who made the list!!