My Five: Five things worth sharing from the last week (or so), brought to you by a different member of the Browser Media team every Friday.
This week’s My Five is by Ali.
PR people are often criticised for inventing a celebratory or remembrance day/week for anything and everything: how did we ever manage without National Chip Week or National Cucumber Day? But the tactic does work to some extent because it gives journalists/bloggers a reason to write about a particular topic around that time.
With this in mind, my My Five are all great digital campaigns that use calendar dates as their hook.
1. Greggs Halloween Zombies
Greggs have created a short film where five different zombies walk into a Greggs shop. The ad drives consumers on to the Greggs Facebook page where the public are updated about future sightings of the Zombies and also told about tasting events to promote the company’s pumpkin doughnuts and spooky ringbuns.
2. Living Streets Mince Pie Calculator
The beauty of this idea is in its simplicity. Living Streets (formerly the Pedestrians’ Association) created a Mince Pie Calculator last Christmas, which enabled people to plug in how long they’d walked for and their weight, and the calculator told them how many mince pies their walking had burned off.
3. London Fire Brigade’s live twitterthon on Bonfire Night
Again, showing budget’s don’t need to be huge, London Fire Brigade tweeted live about every fire it attended on the night of 5 November, which increased its followers by over 2,000. Pretty amazing statistics for one night’s work. Will they repeat the success this year?
4. Cadbury’s Easter Antics
As you’d expect, Cadbury’s are all over Easter, and as a big fan of their Creme Eggs, I always look forward to the next installation of their ad campaign. In this instance it was augmented, with an interactive Creme Egg Goo microsite with lots of information and games for fans. In addition, they also released a ‘Splat-plication’ for the iPhone which allows users to ‘goo’ their phone.
5. Mulberry’s Valentine’s Day flowers
Mulberry teamed up with Daniel Brown, a digital designer, to create their ‘Love Blossoms’ campaign. With the Mulberry collection bursting with floral designs, the company allowed visitors to their site to choose a virtual seed to send to their loved one, which was delivered on 14 February with a link to see their unique seed grow and flower.