My Five: Five things worth sharing from the last week (or so), brought to you by a different member of the Browser Media team every Friday.
This week’s My Five is by Joe.
1) Is the infographic dead?
There is much talk of the infographic being a dinosaur in the SEO world. Personally, I don’t really buy it as an infographic can be a very powerful way of displaying information.
I do, however, agree that a c##p infographic is pointless, but that extends to any content. Poor quality content (created for the search engines rather than users) is not good for anybody and I absolutely agree that quite a large % of infographics are poor, but that should not mean that a good infographic is not celebrated and shared.
It would appear that Econsultancy have also got fed up with questionnable infographics as they have announced today that the weekly ‘top 6 infographics’ posts has been retired. It is not all bad news though as it has been replaced with ‘This week’s finest digital marketing infographic’.
Even better, they have chosen our infographic as the first ever recipient of the honour. I am a little surprised, but very humbled to see it in all its glory. I would also encourage you to head over to our blog post to explain what it is all about, as it needs a bit of context to make sense.
2) Making sense of stats
We all love stats. It is one of the reasons that digital marketing has weathered the economic storm of recent years better than most – we have the tools to demonstrate the value of activity.
There are occasions, however, when you have to laugh and question the value of too much data. I chuckled to myself this morning when looking at some backlink data provided (for the same domain) by Majestic SEO and SEOmoz:
Errrrr – how can two respected backlink data sources have such radically different opinions about how many links a site has and how that has changed over the course of a week?
Cue a slugfest between Majestic and SEOmoz….
3) The state of inbound marketing
A blatant pimp of my own blog post, but I wrote yesterday about the 5th anual state of inbound marketing report from HubSpot and would encourage you have read the report if you have some ink to blitz in your printer (or like reading on-screen) and a bit of spare time.
Anyone who knows me will be aware that I am a big fan of pretty much anything HubSpot related (although we do not use their platform) and this is another great resource from them.
It has been an interesting week for me with some battles to move away from traditional SEO metrics / tactics, but I remain adamant that inbound marketing is indeed the future :-)
4) Headlines you would not expect to see
Sometimes, you are just left speechless.
Reading the following headline was one of those moments, courtesy of the Telegraph:
“I would rather be bitten than have my leg broken, says Jamie Carragher, as he backs Liverpool over Luis Suarez”
I don’t want to start a ‘should he go?’ debate, but what has happened to the world that headlines like that can be published?
I find it a bit depressing to be honest. I am already saddened when I watch my 5 and 4 year old sons roll around on the floor every time they play football shouting out ‘ref – red card!’. The fact of the matter is that they ARE moulded by what they see on television and footballers have a responsibility as role models.
My 5 year old told me about the biting incident having seen it on the news. He was very casual about the whole thing and I thought he must have been joking. The fact that he didn’t think it was that abnormal worries me and I wonder how many children are going to be bitten on the football pitches across the country over the coming weeks.
There has been a lot of excellent banter about whole incident online (e.g. the comment that Suarez just wanted a taste of Champion League success) and I am always a sucker for comedy grahics:
5) I want to have a go
I must confess that I actually saw this last week, so apologies if you have seen it before, but this is mental:
Where can I get one?