The iPhone 6 is 12 per cent taller and 14 per cent wider than the previous iPhone 5 model.
Whilst the arrival of the former (and iPhone plus) was duly noted amongst the females in the office, the size of the new devices was much more of a topic for discussion amongst our male counterparts.
Will it fit in my pocket? Will it get nicked? Can I sit down with it in my pocket or walk up stairs? It appears the men in the office are not alone in their concerns: forward thinking Dockers’ chief regularly redesigns the company’s famous khakis to take into account the issue of supersize phones and devices. And there’s even a fantastic German guy who undertook a (completely unscientific) jeans test on You Tube for an early Samsung Galaxy Note.
If you don’t fancy ramming your new phone in to your pocket and then fumbling around to retrieve it, the solution could be a man bag or man purse (AKA a murse!) It’s a multi-billion pound industry according to research company NPA and even the likes of David Beckham and Brad Pitt have been spotted sporting one.
(Source: and AP Source: AP)
However, the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) warns man bags could be responsible for causing serious back injuries on wearers due to the amount of devices now being carried around on a daily basis. At 129g for the iPhone 6 and 172g for the iPhone plus, be careful out there boys.
We’re not entirely sure when the phrase ‘man bag’ was first used but as we don’t call our totes or shoulder bags, ‘women-bags’, then don’t feel you need to use the ‘man’ label either. Here’s our pick of three stylish bags for the well-groomed, iPhone-touting, non-man-bag-carrying-male:
Country gent
For the aspiring country gent, this bag from luxury accessories supplier Aspinal of London could be just the thing to transport your new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus. It has a padded pocket for securing devices. Aspinal sums it up nicely: this ‘messenger bag makes a trusty companion for the urban jungle’ (go tiger!), although it might just be cheaper to replace your device than buy one of these to protect it.
Sports bro
For the sporty iPhone owner, this rather more affordable quilted man bag from Sports Direct has a retro feel and plenty of room for either version 6 or the plus phablet.
Urban warrior
The satchel will suit urban warriors just perfectly and in the understated grey colourway from Ally Capellino will take you through from smart casual to dress down office Fridays.
So, for women, Apple’s new products may mean making room in the tote by ditching a superfluous lipstick. However, for men, the dilemma about whether to purchase the new devices may well come down to comfort. Or put another way, the boys may be more concerned about size and the girls more focussed on what you can do with it. Now where’ve I heard that one before?