We’re fast approaching the end of 2010 and what a year it’s been for social media. Facebook and Twitter particularly.
Online marketing agency Digital Surgeons has put together a nice little infographic highlighting the breakdown of the 2010 demographics on Facebook and Twitter.
The infographic provides some interesting insights. Here are a few key points;
- Users are more willing to follow brands on Facebook than on Twitter
- More than half of the total Twitter users update their status daily. Only 1 out of 10 Facebook user updates on a daily basis
- 88 percent of people are aware of Facebook, while 87 percent are aware of Twitter
- 30 percent access Facebook via mobile vs. 37 percent for Twitter
- 70 percent of Facebook users are outside the U.S. vs. 60 percent for Twitter
Please note that the information reflected below is based in U.S, unless stated otherwise. Also, the data is a little out of date – Particularly with Twitter, which now has 190 million users. Other than that, it’s pretty good.