Hello, internet.
It’s about this time of year that we start to see ‘year in review’ reports pop up everywhere (see 2010 Twitter trends and 2010 Facebook trends). And we’re glad of it, because what a year it has been.
Industry group MobileFuture has created a very nice rapid-fire summary of 2010’s key consumer and technology mobile trends.
There’s been staggering growth in consumer mobile usage across a vast array of applications and social media platforms.
Take two minutes and 51 seconds to find out more;
Here are some key points form the video;
Massive increase in apps downloaded
- Five billion apps downloaded – up from 300 million in 2009
Whopping expansion of location-based services
- Five million Foursquare users – up from 200,000 users in 2009
Surge in mobile social media platforms
- 347 percent growth in Twitter mobile usage
- 200 million mobile Facebook Users
- 100 million YouTube videos played on mobile devices everyday
Ongoing explosion in data traffic
- 3,000 percent growth in one carrier’s data traffic since 2008
- 3,339: average number of texts sent per month by US teens
Unprecedented competition and choice
- 96 percent of mobile users can choose from 3 or more providers
What are your predictions for mobile trends in 2011?