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My Five #273

A robotic dog, an athletic dog, Social Media updates, and Stories galore. It must be My Five.

Libby Bearman

My Five #263

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… well, it’s beginning to look a little bit like Christmas… so here’s a faintly festive MyFive.

Libby Bearman
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My Five #251

Smiley spiders, leaked celebrity phone numbers, and things trapped in things – it’s all in this week’s My Five.

Matt Batterham

My Five #242

Punny business names, a towel thief, and hilarious handshake blooper – it’s all in this week’s My Five!

Matt Batterham

My Five #176

Twitching, Tweeting and April Fools all feature in this week’s My Five. Plus: Find out which meme FunnyStatus has dubbed master of memes.

Guest Writer

Generation Z: Generation Snapchat

With Generation Z deserting Facebook, what do ‘closed’ social networks like Snapchat have in store for teens?

Guest Writer