Yahoo opens up its search results

Yahoo! announces new programme to allow web publishers to create plug ins to control the information shown on the Yahoo! SERPS.

Joe Friedlein

Search market share remains constant in January

comScore report into search engine market share in January shows that Google is still way out in the lead. Even if Microsoft does buy Yahoo! there will be a lot of ground to make up.

Joe Friedlein

Yahoo set to reject Microsoft offer

Yahoo! say no to Microsoft offer. Yahoo! decide that the bid from the US giant undervalues the company and reject the approach. What next in the battle against Google?

Joe Friedlein

Chinese search engines growing in popularity

Chinese search engines gather momentum. and are ranked in the top 10 of the world’s most popular search engines.

Joe Friedlein

Yahoo announces fall in profits

More doom and gloom for Yahoo! Disappointing financial performance mirrors search engine usage.

Joe Friedlein

Chinese search engine launches in Japan

Baidu launches in Japan and hopes to perform as well as it has done its native China. Google and Yahoo! are likely to feel the pinch.

Joe Friedlein

Yahoo using for search results

As Yahoo sees market share slip further, it introduces results to its SERPs. Will this improve the quality of the results and help boost the search engine’s market share?

Joe Friedlein