UK growth in online advertising spend is outstripping US and many other nations. Half of total advertising spend to be online in Western Europe by 2010.
Major search engine results overlap by less than 1%
How much do search engine results vary from one search engine to another? Are all search engine results the same?
Traffic to e-commerce sites from Google increases
Google increases dominance in the US. How Google is driving the lions share of traffic to e-commerce sites.
Search accounts for 40% of US online ad revenue
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) releases the 2006 Internet Advertising Revenue report.
Google and Yahoo to dominate US Paid Search market in 2007
A look at how Google and Yahoo! are set to dominate the US paid search market in 2007.
Search marketers plan to spend more in 2007
JupiterResearch unveils forecast for search engine marketing spend in 2007.
Online retailers increase spend on search marketing
A look at how online retailers are increasing spend on search engine marketing.
Google increases its grip on the UK online ad market
Google continues to dominate UK online ad market. The results of the annual IAB / PwC study.
Kinderstart case against Google is dismissed
Case against Google is dismissed as judge throws out’s arguments.
Brand search terms
Are brand search terms the real key to search engine marketing success or should you focus your SEO / PPC on non branded keywords?
Organic v. Paid Search
An interesting review of the balance between organic and paid search. What balance should you strike?
Piper Jaffray on the future of the search industry
An interesting report into the future of the search engine industry. What does the future hold for search engine marketing?