Last week Google announced the latest changes to its algorithm, aimed to reduce the rankings for low-quality sites and favour the high-quality ones.
Yahoo! turns 16
On March 1 2011, Yahoo! turned 16 years old. A recent Yahoo! blog post took a look back at the last 16 years and it’s fair to say, it’s come a long way.
Blekko announces impressive milestone
Search engine, Blekko has announced an impressive milestone – in January, the search engine received over 30 million search queries.
Google begins censoring piracy related search results
In a new effort to quash online piracy, Google is censoring its ‘autocomplete’ results for some of the key offending search terms
Yahoo! UK soon to be powered by Bing
Last week, Yahoo and Bing have migrated over organic results in Australia, Brazil and Mexico to Bing. It looks like UK could be next.
Google returns better results for music videos, including competitors
In an effort to provide users with better video results, Google is now showing the results of its competitors for music related searches.
Report reveals overall marketing budget cuts in Q4, but growth in display and search
The latest IPA and BDO Bellwether report has revealed that almost a quarter of UK marketers reduced their budgets in the last quarter of 2010.
The new social Q&A search experience from is preparing to launch its new product that aims to bring personalisation and Q&A to web search.
Study reveals interesting user search behaviour statistics
Some key findings from a recent study that has revealed some interesting insights in to users’ motivations and behaviour when using search engines.
Quora – the next big thing or just a lot of Q&A?
Quora is a new, socially fuelled question and answer site. It’s generating a lot of buzz but how will it cope with growth?
Differences in Google search rankings – Mobile vs. Desktop
A recent study reveals that there is a difference between smartphone listings in Google and desktop Web listings.
It may be Christmas, but don’t neglect social media
There’s a temptation to slow down marketing efforts over the Christmas period. Here are a few tips for easy management.