JupiterResearch unveils forecast for search engine marketing spend in 2007.
Online retailers increase spend on search marketing
A look at how online retailers are increasing spend on search engine marketing.
The Movers and Shakers of UK online marketing
Who are the real movers and shakers in online marketing? Are we all techy geeks or is there more to reveal from the UK digital marketing community?
An interesting look at the future for PR agencies and how they must adapt to the changing face of media.
Kinderstart case against Google is dismissed
Case against Google is dismissed as judge throws out Kinderstart.com’s arguments.
Brand search terms
Are brand search terms the real key to search engine marketing success or should you focus your SEO / PPC on non branded keywords?
Duplicate content penalties
Is duplicate content really an issue for websites? Will search engines penalise sites with duplicate content?
Organic v. Paid Search
An interesting review of the balance between organic and paid search. What balance should you strike?
Piper Jaffray on the future of the search industry
An interesting report into the future of the search engine industry. What does the future hold for search engine marketing?
The truth about click fraud?
Google announces figures on the rate of undetected click fraud.
Search Engine Statistics
A review of the latest search engine statistics showing Google’s continued dominance.
Quality score platforms have higher click through rates
An interesting study into how a quality score ppc platform can have positive effects on the user experience and thererefore the click through rates. How initial results from Yahoo!’s Panama platform demonstrate this effect.