Here’s my guide to dynamic remarketing – what it is, how it works and how you go about setting up a campaign in Google AdWords.
Google rolling out more mobile features for retail and travel industries
As mobile search continues to increase, Google is set to roll out some fabby new features to help users and advertisers meet this demand.
All you need to know about Pinterest’s Promoted Pins
Are you using the new promoted pins available on Pinterest to get more exposure for your important pins and drive traffic to your website? Here’s my guide to setting up a campaign.
Understanding the importance of dynamic remarketing
The Hangout on Air series “Elevenses” covers an understanding of dynamic remarketing as we ask about it’s importance and how it can be utilised towards you marketing goals.
How has the removal of the right hand side ads affected Google PPC advertising?
Have you noticed a change in your PPC campaigns since the right hand side ads went? Read on to discover the trends that we have seen, 10 days after this huge change in the SERPs
Google Launches iOS App for AdWords
Google has finally launched an AdWords app for iOS mobile devices, making it easy for AdWords users to check campaign performance and pause campaigns on the go. Read my review here…
Google Trialling Four AdWords Ads
Google is testing four AdWords Ads in search again, pushing organic results down the page. The scramble for the top organic spot continues.
How to use your email list for more than just email marketing
There are more ways to target an email database than a traditional email marketing campaign. Find out more about Google’s Customer Match.
Ways to Improve Quality Score
Discover more about Google’s infamous quality score from Google’s perspective plus some tips for improving yours.
Guide to Google Dynamic Remarketing for retailers
Want to remind visitors to purchase products they’ve looked at on your site? You’ll need to set up Dynamic Remarketing.
Even more changes to Google Shopping ads…
Google is making even more edits to its Shopping ads – a new suite of bidding strategies and automated extensions. Read on to find out more…
The 8-step PPC campaign plan
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” Don’t fail at managing paid search – plan, plan, plan.