Does the death of 3rd party cookies spell the death of online advertising as we know it?
Weather triggered advertising solutions
Did you know that you can adjust your PPC ads according to the weather? Here are my thoughts on the idea as a whole and my review of one of the solution providers, Weather Unlocked…
Do you trust AdWords Express?
What are your thoughts on Google Express? It is a good solution for local businesses or should they invest the time to create their own AdWords campaigns?
AdWords exact and phrase match is evolving
Another change has been announced by the search giant, this time it’s paid search in the firing line.
What is Remarketing and Remarketing for Search?
A quick guide to remarketing and remarketing for search and the best ways to use them for your business.
Building Brand Awareness using Paid Search
Find out how PPC can help build brand awareness for your business, how to measure it and things to consider when setting up a campaign.
What’s new with Google AdWords?
Find out the latest Google AdWords updates; new tools, conversion estimation and more.
Using negative keywords and how to identify them
Tips on AdWords negative keywords; how to use negative keywords and how to find and add them to campaigns/ad groups.
My Five #53
Gazza shows us all how to do social media, WHSmith explodes and Joe watches a bearded man in Fabric. Happy days!
22nd July: Day of the auto-upgrade to enhanced campaigns
Today, Monday 22nd July 2013, Google will automatically update advertisers’ old legacy campaigns to its new enhanced AdWords campaigns.
New Google Display Network setting – Flexible Reach
Google adds new display network setting allowing advertisers to choose their AdWords network settings at ad group level instead of just campaign level.
Google launches new display platform on mobile apps
Google launches its new campaign type, making it easy for its advertisers to show their ads on mobile apps using its display network.