Black Friday marketing ideas

With Black Friday fast approaching, e-commerce brands should be spreading the word! Here are some Black Friday marketing ideas to inspire your campaigns.

Rosey Bowring

Understanding the modern buying journey

Salsify’s latest research looks into the consumer buying journey, highlighting trends for brands to leverage in their 2024 e-commerce strategies.

Rosey Bowring

Is it a dupe, or is it just a scam?

Dupes and knockoffs are rampant, but when does a seemingly good alternative product become a scam, and how can brands stand up against dupe scams?

Rosey Bowring

7 AI tools for marketers

From copywriting to social media and branding, here are some handy AI tools that can assist various aspects of your marketing task load.

Rosey Bowring

My Five #466

In this week’s My Five we take a look back and a look forward with some of the best 2021 roundups and guides for 2022 that have been released this week.

Will Greenwood
EU Cookie Directive

My Five #450

A stat attack, A.I., content fatigue, cookies, cinnamon and milk are all on the menu in this week’s My Five. Feast your eyes.

Joe Friedlein
2020 annus horribilis

2020: The Return Of Annus Horribilis?

Is talk of 2020 being the worst year ever a bunch of royal arse? Should we be celebrating an annus mirabilis?

Joe Friedlein
Retail in the 2020s digital brew

Retail in the 2020s

The Digital Brew: Episode 11. We chat to Jason Heller, of Huggle, about retail in the 2020s. Why is it so tough and what do you need to do to succeed in retail?

Joe Friedlein