Amid COVID-19 lockdown, digital must replace human interaction. Brands should reach out to their customers in meaningful and relevant ways to resonate.
It’s about time you sent out a Customer Satisfaction Survey
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates
Why you shouldn’t fear negative online reviews
Instead of being scared of the negative review, why don’t you turn the tables around and turn it into a blessing in disguise?
Your customer feedback campaign needs work
With proper planning and careful preparation your customer feedback campaign will generate useful and meaningful data that you can use to fuel tests to improve your website’s conversion rate.
Getting started with a social CRM strategy
It’s vital to know what customers are saying about your brand in order to provide support and also to engage with them. This is where social CRM comes in.
Customer Service: The Importance of First Impressions
Find out how one bed-supply company gets the upper hand by delivering a great first impression with their thoughtful, quirky first step in customer service.
The best time to tweet? Customer service, good and bad. Mumford & Sons, cats and the best of Vine. The latest Browser Media My Five.
The Power Of The Blog Post
Power to the (digital) people. How can you use blog posts and social media to make noise that will actually be heard?
Google Nexus One – Has Google bitten off more than it can chew?
Google Nexus One: Have Google really prepared for their users’ demands and expectations? The buzz says ‘no’ but we remain optimistic.