There’s life in the old blog yet

A blog about blogging and its continued benefits for businesses as an integral part of a digital marketing strategy.

The shape of social media: 2024

Streamline your 2024 social media strategy with insights and predictions from some of the industry’s greatest.

Rosey Bowring

8 tips for writing the perfect pitch

Pitching ideas to journalists and bloggers is a great way to secure coverage, but it’s a competitive game. Here are 8 tips for writing the perfect pitch.

Rosey Bowring
EU Cookie Directive

My Five #450

A stat attack, A.I., content fatigue, cookies, cinnamon and milk are all on the menu in this week’s My Five. Feast your eyes.

Joe Friedlein

How often should you blog?

Something we get asked regularly is how often a business should blog. Remembering it’s not just about search engines is a good starting point.

Ali Cort