Google adwords quality score update

Ad position and quality score: What will the latest AdWords Quality Score update mean for your PPC Campaigns and visibility in paid search?

Joe Friedlein

Pink your Adwords campaign!

We are very pleased to be working with Breakthrough Breast Cancer to support a variety of initiatives being run during the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Browser Media is managing […]

Joe Friedlein

Beware of the Google ‘search’ network

What is the Google search network? Mini case study showing how adwords ads using search network can end up on websites that are not search engines at all.

Joe Friedlein

Google’s trademark policy: the possible effects

What is the impact of the change in Google adwords trademark policy? Hitwise looks at some statistics that suggest many leading retailers are being hit hard by the change in policy.

Joe Friedlein

Demographic targeting with PPC ads

Google launches demographic targeting through adwords. Only show your PPC ads to specific demographic profiles. Too good to be true?

Joe Friedlein

eBay reduces Google Adwords spend

Ebay resumes ad on Google Adwords, albeit at a lower level. Does Ebay need Adwords and how much does Google earn from the PPC ads? What does the future hold for this relationship?

Joe Friedlein

Google checks out the UK

Google Checkout is launched in the UK. What is in store for the search giant’s payment processing service and what benefits does it offer Adwords customers?

Joe Friedlein

Google Adwords Quality Score Revealed

Google announces that it will show quality scores against keywords in AdWords campaigns – what are the objectives of the quality score?

Joe Friedlein

Increase in Google Adwords costs

Why is Google suddenly demanding much higher bid prices in adwords campaigns? A look at the increasing costs of Adwords PPC campaigns.

Joe Friedlein