2016 is coming to an end and 2017 is just around the corner, but what does that mean for paid search and what should we be testing in 2017?
My Five #190
Social Media, Google SERPs and a potential revelation for the gig-attending community. This week’s My Five’s got it all.
AdWords interface gets a makeover and more changes to Google Shopping
In a packed Google Partners Elevenses last week, Google revealed changes to the AdWords interface, and even more changes to Google Shopping for some retailers.
Google Launches iOS App for AdWords
Google has finally launched an AdWords app for iOS mobile devices, making it easy for AdWords users to check campaign performance and pause campaigns on the go. Read my review here…
Google Trialling Four AdWords Ads
Google is testing four AdWords Ads in search again, pushing organic results down the page. The scramble for the top organic spot continues.
Connecting online and offline store visits
This holiday season, mobile will influence more purchases than ever. Google’s store traffic data shows how to adjust ad spend based on in-store conversions.
My Five #144
A murdered robot, predictions from Back to the Future coming true, and the mystery of what happened to the dinosaurs solved in this week’s My 5.
Better Together – AdWords and Google Analytics
Better Together: Combine AdWords with Google Analytics for better Insights, bidding and results. Shedding light on non-converting traffic.
10 tips for how to write enticing ad copy
10 top tips on how to get write PPC ad copy that is going to entice the people that are most likely carry out your CTA, to click on your ad.
What is Remarketing and Remarketing for Search?
A quick guide to remarketing and remarketing for search and the best ways to use them for your business.
My Five #87
No World Cup ads? Ryan Gosling is a father? Find out what’s been happening in this week’s My Five.
Our favourite new Keyword Planner features
Whether it’s for PPC or SEO, the new Google Keyword Planner features can help you gain insight into user search behaviours. Find out more about our favourite features here.