My Five #285

Adverts are coming to Whatsapp, Google adds more automation to AdWords, and Prince George is causing trouble on Instagram. It’s time for My Five.

Ali Cort

Spring clean your AdWords account

Spring has (sort of) sprung, and to celebrate not having constant hat hair or falling over on ice for another six months, why not invest some time into giving your AdWords account a good old clean up?

Victoria Spall

A Guide to Google Ad Extensions

Google’s ad extensions are a great way to add more information about your business/product to your ad copy. Are you using them correctly?

Ashleigh Davison

The new AdWords interface is coming!

Google has been talking about it for the last year and it’s soon to hit our desktops, but will the new interface really be so much better than the one PPC managers have become so accustomed to?

Ashleigh Davison