Major changes here at Browser Media!
Last Friday, we moved from the majestic beauty of Braxted Park to a more central location in Colchester but have maintained our tradition of working in historic buildings and this post is coming to you from an old cavalry barracks stable. Not quite from a horse’s mouth but pretty close…
Here are a few (poor quality) photos snapped with a mobile, but come and see us if you are passing by – we would love to see you.
It is a lovely building (thankfully restored – you won’t need to worry about manure smells) and we are excited to be here. We have a lot more space and are right next to the town centre (but you can still park here).
On a less positive note, we are sad to say that our London base at Lemon Studios is no more, following their decision to close down the operation. We may well look at a new London base soon, but are enjoying our new home here in Colchester.
We look forward to seeing you soon.