Five things worth sharing from the last week or so, brought to you by a different member of the Browser Media team every Friday.
This week’s My Five is by Ashleigh.
1.Search FYI – Facebook’s new search tool
Facebook has now updated Facebook Search so that users can now see what the world has to say on topical subjects and news stories as well as what their friends and family are saying about them.
The new update means that Facebook will now be providing better search suggestions when you start typing a query in the search box – timely, personalised suggestions.
It also means that the results returned will include the most relevant and recent public posts, even from strangers or people not in your list of Facebook friends, as well as those from people that are connected with on Facebook.
Users can also see public conversations about chosen topics – with just one tap and you can read quotes and phrases made regarding a link in public posts.
These updates rolled out in US English on iPhone, Android and desktop this week and Facebook said, “We’re excited to take another step toward helping you find what matters”.
2.AdWords turned 15 years old
To celebrate they have created a lovely infographic to look back at the last 15 years of innovation:
3. Google-Yahoo AdSense Partnership
It has been announced that Google plans to provide an unspecified number of Yahoo users with web search results and search ads.
The partnership means that Yahoo will now display Google search ads and Google will pay them a percentage of the revenue made from those ads.
The deal is non-exclusive so there is nothing to stop Yahoo from also showing Bing Ads or its own ads too.
4.Sexual consent is as simple as making tea
Thames Valley force has launched a YouTube ad campaign comparing sexual consent with making a cup of tea.
I’ll let you make your own mind up:
Interesting concept, eh!? It’s a pretty long winded way to explain it in my opinion, the video definitely could have been a fraction of the length.
5.Twitter’s first TV ad is a flop!
Baseball fans were left dazed and confused after trying to keep up with Twitter’s first television ad, that was aired this week. The text appeared so quickly that it was incredibly hard for viewers to keep up and viewers took to Twitter (obviously) to vent their frustrations: