My Five: Five things worth sharing from the last week (or so), brought to you by a different member of the Browser Media team every Friday.
This week’s My Five is by Ashleigh.
1. Mobile is a big influence on in-store sales
Have you ever researched a product on your mobile device before purchasing it in the store? This is certainly something I have done in the past and this week Deloitte Digital released a survey showing that this is common occurrence, as £15.2 billion worth of in-store sales will be influenced by mobile in 2012, that is 6% of all in-store purchases.
The study also showed that 46%, that’s nearly half of all smartphone owners have consulted their mobile device to research products during a shopping trip and that smartphone use helped to increase the in-store conversion rates.
Deloitte estimates that in 2016 this influence is set to grow, with 15%-18% of in-store purchases being influenced by mobile research, equivalent to £35 – £43 billion worth of sales.
2. Facebook trials mobile ads
On Tuesday Facebook announced the beta launch of its own mobile ad network that targets iOS and Android users with banner ads when they are using other apps and mobile websites where the user has authenticated it with Facebook.
Facebook is allowing advertisers to show their banner ads to its users whilst they are using other mobile apps and websites, based on data collected when they are using Facebook. The idea is to show users ads that are relevant to each individual whilst they are using apps outside of Facebook.
The new mobile network will allow advertisers to target people in the same way that they do with Facebook ads on Facebook itself, ie. by gender, age, interests etc. but allows that to show them ads whilst they are using other applications on their smartphones, not just Facebook.
3. New Shared Budgets Option in AdWords
Being Browser Media’s PPC addict I had to get a new AdWords feature in MyFive and this week Google has launched shared budgets – a new feature that allows advertisers to set a single daily budget that can be shared by multiple campaigns in an AdWords account.
The new feature can make it easier for AdWords users keep to a set daily budget when they have multiple campaigns that need to keep within that budget.
For example if you had three campaigns for a particular product, such as different campaigns for different countries or on different Google Networks and a daily budget that you need to keep the total spend within, then you can set a ‘shared budget’ for those three campaigns rather than having to manage them all independently.
4. 3.3million people scanned a QR code in Q2
According to data from comScore over 3.3 million people, equivalent to 11.4% of UK consumers used their smartphones to scan a QR code during Q2 of 2012, a 43% growth year on year.
The data shows that across the five European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) that 17 million people scanned a QR code with their smartphones during this period. It also shows that some of the other European countries have been a lot faster to respond than the UK, as growth in Spain is up 218% year on year and in Germany it’s up 128% year on year.
5. It’s National Cupcake Week
Now I realise that isn’t strictly ‘digital’ news but I thought this had to make it into MyFive somewhere, as I am a very keen cupcake baker. And with 19% of women in the U.S now reported to be signed up to Pinterest and food being one of the top 5 pinned categories, cupcakes are often the subject of people’s pins (including my own). Here’s one of my favourite boards: