Food photography (or Foodography, ugh) is big. We’ve all gotta eat, right? Universally, people bond over meals, and thanks to social media, the sharing of culinary delights and disasters is easier than ever. It’s easy to see, then, why Google wants to add this corner of the market to its ever-growing portfolio.
A few months ago, the company was trialling a food photography service call Tablescape. Despite closing the trial and service down in June, it seems that it has not given up on the idea of creating a channel where foodies can upload their snaps of home made creations and restaurant fare.
In fact, it seems that the plan is to tie the service to maps, in a sort of Tripadvisor/Foursquare hybrid. This new feature will ‘apparently alert users when Maps has found a newly-captured photo taken at a food-related place on their device, and offer to attach that photo to a location for other users to see.’
Although it hasn’t yet been given a name, the new service is currently being tested by local guides ‘level 3 and above’.
Whilst Google hasn’t actually explicitly specified that this is an app for foodies and food photos, as per the Google support page for the service, it seems pretty clear that this is the intended use.