Five things worth sharing from the last week (or so), brought to you by a different member of the Browser Media team every Friday.
This week’s My Five is by Matt.
1. Panic on the tweets on London
A 48 hour tube strike took place in London this week, which as it turns out, proved to be a bit of a nuisance for anyone attempting to navigate the city. Naturally, those affected flocked to Twitter to vent their rage.
But miserable as it may have been for those affected, the #tubestrike hashtag provided the rest of us with a few laughs…
#TubeStrike Advice.
— Digital Stuart (@DigitalStuart) April 29, 2014
Tube strike? Try these alternative ways to get to work #helpful #boris #strike — Scandinavian Kitchen (@Scanditwitchen) April 28, 2014
Nice how the #tubestrike brings us all together…with a stranger’s elbow in your ear and a cock in your back — Commute Club (@CommuteClub) April 29, 2014
2. Why Google is ignoring your page titles
Isn’t it annoying when you spend ages writing unique page titles, only for Google to ignore them, and display whatever the heck it wants in search results instead.
The following video should help explain why Google thinks it knows your pages better than you do.
3. Cool sh*t you can do with WordPress
If you were lucky enough to attend Brighton SEO last week, you may well have sat in on a presentation entitled ‘Cool Shit You Can Do With WordPress’.
Now available online, it’s a great read for anyone who uses, or is considering using WordPress as a publishing platform.
*Spoiler alert* – WordPress can be used for much more than publishing words and pictures.
4. Kick Eat racism out of football
It’s a sad fact that football is plagued with racism, both on and off the pitch. Barcelona’s Dani Alves was the latest victim of a racist taunt last weekend, when a banana landed at his feet during a game at Villarreal. His reaction was utterly perfect:
Professional footballers, fans, and even some brands have taken to social media to show their support for Alves, by posting pictures of themselves holding a banana, along with the hashtag #weareallmonkeys.
What better way to #Saynotoracism.
5. Bad Lip Reading gets better and better
Featured image via @davidlberesford